Bedford High School Photo

In addition to education, there are numerous other functions that make schools valuable to its community.  The Bedford Area School District offers numerous services to support students and families experiencing homelessness.  The ranges of supports vary greatly depending on the student’s needs.  Examples of supports include specialized transportation, free lunches, academic supports, medical programs, and much more.  Additionally, we often coordinate with other organizations to provide significant support to families.    

The following are examples of situations where students are considered homeless:

  • Children sharing housing with other people due to a loss of housing.
  • Children living in motels, hotels or camping grounds.
  • Children living in cars, parks, public spaces etc.
  • Migratory children
  • Children awaiting foster care placement
  • Unaccompanied homeless youth

If you are experiencing homelessness, please contact your building administration and/or guidance counselor.  If you have a question about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act or have detailed questions about your current situation, you can also contact the district’s homeless liaison, Dr. Paul Ruhlman, Asst. Superintendent at (814) 623-4260 or

Additionally, if you are well-meaning community member who is aware of a homeless situation, we ask you to share this information or contact us so we can support the family. 

Please do not hesitate to call.  We can help!