As I write this letter to the district’s numerous stakeholders, I reflect on my experiences as a parent of children in the district, as a community member, and as a school administrator.   After 18 years with the Bedford Area School District, I am incredibly proud of our students, the district, and our community.  Therefore, my message must honor our past, reflect our current state, and set a general direction for our future. 

Students, you are an awesome group of kids who never cease to amaze me.  I appreciate your work ethic, the way you interact with each other, and your school spirit… literally a sea of blue and white.  We strive to offer you a partnership in helping you achieve your dreams.  I challenge all adults to advocate for you in this mission.    

Parents, like you I have experienced the ups and downs of parenting.  Our roles as parents are difficult as we go from meeting all our children’s needs to establishing clear, age-appropriate expectations with the hope of a bright future for them.  The staff at the district are your partners in this process and will strive to do our best.  We value your trust and will work diligently to grow it.

Community, there are few institutions that represent a community more than the local school district.  The district values this role and endeavors to represent the entire community at the highest level.  We look forward to your attendance at our events and opportunities for future partnerships as we all work to strengthen our community. 

Staff, I’m incredibly proud of your efforts.  As we begin a new chapter, our culture of close collaboration, a focus on maximizing strengths, honesty, and awareness will serve us well.  I welcome partnering with you as we begin our next chapter filled with instructional excellence, innovative programs, and increased efficiency to maximize student growth.  You are part of an incredible group of people who are tasked with helping students realize their dreams.

In closing, we are a strong school district filled with traditions, relationships, and innovation.  Let’s continue to be committed to our traditions while hungry for an even better future! 

Let’s go Bisons!!

 Dr. Ruhlman